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BA Key Slovakia s.r.o.

registered address: Klincová 37/B, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovak republic
ID: 46566716, tax ID: 2023479139, non-VAT payer

bank details: Fio banka, a.s.
bank account number: IBAN SK8883300000002401203633, BIC FIOZSKBAXXX.

Company registered at Commercial register of City court in Bratislava III, section Sro, insert number 79781/B.

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Slovakia_32 Contact | ELYOTT Consulting Group | SKCompanies.sk Slovak republic

Registered seat - office

Klincová 37/B
821 08 Bratislava

phone: (+421) 948 600 200
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All informations published on this website, or submitted via e-mail and telephone do not have the character of legal or tax consultancy. This website does not provide legal advice or legal services and therefore these cannot be considered as such. All informations presented on this website are drawn from publicly available informations or resources, do not provide legal advice, are not a legal analysis or legal opinion of the contributor, and have only a general character. Such services and informations do not have the character of providing legal services according to special regulations (e.g. according to Act No. 586/2003 Coll. on Advocacy as amended) or tax advice (e.g. according to Act No. 78/1992 Coll. on Tax Consultants and the Slovak chamber of tax advisors.)

Representation in front of the commercial register is ensured by a cooperating lawyer registered in the Slovak Bar Association.

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