(+421) 948 600 200 (cell, whatsapp) | info[at]skcompanies.sk |

  • Slovak company

    Ready-made s.r.o. company with VAT number
    Do you want to start your business in Slovakia?
    Simply buy our Slovak ready-made company with VAT number.

    Your company is available immediately, for very competitive price!

    Virtual office and bookkeeping services for your company as well.

    more info...

  • Accounting

    Accounting services for your company
    Your new Slovak company will definitely need professional accounting services.

    Get double-entry bookeeping, wages & HR services for your company.

    With us - you get it: for a great price!

    more info...

  • Car registration

    Car registration on Slovak plates
    When buying a car in Slovakia, you have to register it.
    We are ready to provide for your company a full range of car registration services.

    We can arrange a originality check of the car, technical inspection and also emission control for you.

    Slovak car plates: also we are able to obtain them for your new car.

    more info...

  • Czech company

    Ready-made s.r.o. company with VAT number
    Do you want to start your business in Czechia?
    Simply buy our Czech ready-made company with VAT number.

    Your company is available immediately, for very competitive price!

    Virtual office and bookkeeping services for your company as well.

    more info...

  • Web & SEO services

    Professional SEO services for your website
    With our rich experience in SEO services we can help your website to reach the 1st rank in Google!

    Excellent copywriting, knowledge of onpage as well offpage SEO tools and strategy makes us the right partner for you.

    We can also cover Google Adwords PPC campaigns for your website.

    more info...

SALE : Slovak ready-made company with VAT number only for 1.799 €

  • Company formation

    Slovak company formation

    Do you need to start your business or project in Slovakia? Not interested in purchasing of ready-made company, because you are not in a hurry and you prefer more cost-effective solution?

    Slovak s.r.o. company formation is the right solution for you then!

    Utilize our simple and quick company formation services for very competitive price of 299 € including all fiscal fees!

    The entire Slovak company establishment is processed ONLINE!


  • Data box

    Slovak data boxes

    Do you need to manage the Data box of your existing Slovak company? Message management of Slovak electronic Data box for foreign statutory bodies (directors).


    All Slovak companies must have their electronic Data boxes activated at slovensko.sk portal for receiving official decisions and messages.

    Data boxes for all Slovak companies are activated since July 1st 2017.


  • Company liquidation

    Liquidation of Slovak company

    Do you need to end your business in Slovakia, erase your company from Business register and simply close your company? We are able to help you, in accordance with applicable legislation we will terminate your business.

    So do not wait any longer! We will discreetly arrange the immediate purchase of your company, including all debts and liabilities. We propose a quick and professional solution to avoid problems with the executors, creditors, financial institutions, courts and authorities.


  • Company liquidation

    Liquidation of Czech company

    Do you need to end your business in Czech republic, erase your company from Business register and simply close your company? We are able to help you, in accordance with applicable legislation we will terminate your business.

    So do not wait any longer! We will discreetly arrange the immediate purchase of your company, including all debts and liabilities. We propose a quick and professional solution to avoid problems with the executors, creditors, financial institutions, courts and authorities.


  • Company formation

    Slovak company formation

    Do you need to start your business or project in Slovakia? Not interested in purchasing of ready-made company, because you are not in a hurry and you prefer more cost-effective solution?

    Slovak s.r.o. company formation is the right solution for you then!

    Utilize our simple and quick company formation services for very competitive price of 299 € including all fiscal fees!

    The entire Slovak company establishment is processed ONLINE!


  • Data box

    Slovak data boxes

    Do you need to manage the Data box of your existing Slovak company? Message management of Slovak electronic Data box for foreign statutory bodies (directors).


    All Slovak companies must have their electronic Data boxes activated at slovensko.sk portal for receiving official decisions and messages.

    Data boxes for all Slovak companies are activated since July 1st 2017.


  • Company liquidation

    Liquidation of Slovak company

    Do you need to end your business in Slovakia, erase your company from Business register and simply close your company? We are able to help you, in accordance with applicable legislation we will terminate your business.

    So do not wait any longer! We will discreetly arrange the immediate purchase of your company, including all debts and liabilities. We propose a quick and professional solution to avoid problems with the executors, creditors, financial institutions, courts and authorities.


  • Company liquidation

    Liquidation of Czech company

    Do you need to end your business in Czech republic, erase your company from Business register and simply close your company? We are able to help you, in accordance with applicable legislation we will terminate your business.

    So do not wait any longer! We will discreetly arrange the immediate purchase of your company, including all debts and liabilities. We propose a quick and professional solution to avoid problems with the executors, creditors, financial institutions, courts and authorities.


  • Home

Welcome to the website, which helps to establish on Slovak, Czech or on another foreign market. Whether you plan to establish a new company, or purchase ready-made company, you are at the right place. With your new company, you will also get another additional services, such as virtual office, bookkeeping and much more. Do you need to register your new vehicle with a license plate? We will take care of it for you!

Accounting services

Accounting services Single & Double-entry

Double-entry accounting services, wages & HR for companies. Also single accounting available.


Order service ONLINE
Online order

Order service ONLINE Non-binding

Don't hesitate to order our services via our online order form.
It is very simple!


Our fair price list

Our fair price list Without hidden fees

Take a look at our transparent prices for our services. We have always some SALE available. Let us know your needs!


Companies for sale in SK
Slovak company

Companies for sale in SK Companies' list

Start your business in Slovakia purchasing your ready-made company. SK VAT payers available.

want to know more

Companies for sale in CZ
Czech company

Companies for sale in CZ Companies' list

Start your business in Czechia purchasing your ready-made company. CZ VAT payers available.

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Open a bank account
Bank account

Open a bank account Full assistance

We will help you to open a bank account of your company in Slovak bank. Our full asssitance is provided to you if needed.

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Our offices

Do not hesitate to meet us at our offices, we are looking forward to consult all your requests and needs with you.

A personal meeting needs to be set up in advance.

Contact us via online order form or just simply call us.

we have served
clients since 2002
we have sold
we provided
hours of support
our team has
years of experience

All informations published on this website, or submitted via e-mail and telephone do not have the character of legal or tax consultancy. This website does not provide legal advice or legal services and therefore these cannot be considered as such. All informations presented on this website are drawn from publicly available informations or resources, do not provide legal advice, are not a legal analysis or legal opinion of the contributor, and have only a general character. Such services and informations do not have the character of providing legal services according to special regulations (e.g. according to Act No. 586/2003 Coll. on Advocacy as amended) or tax advice (e.g. according to Act No. 78/1992 Coll. on Tax Consultants and the Slovak chamber of tax advisors.)

Representation in front of the commercial register is ensured by a cooperating lawyer registered in the Slovak Bar Association.

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